The Urgent Need: Autistic Mission

by Aimée O’Connell

Earlier this week, I referenced a recently published book intended as a field guide for bishops and seminary faculty in guiding and supporting autistic men discerning and responding the call to the priesthood.  As an autistic person, I feel the need to call attention to all that this book represents and its implications for the Church at large.  As a married woman, I am in no way qualified to speak about the priesthood or seminary formation – nor do I intend to.  However, as a member of the laity, I am charged with the same call to holiness and prayer as all my brothers and sisters in Christ.   I am the mother of a son who one day may himself feel a vocational call, if that is God’s plan for him.  I am a member of a Church begging for new vocations, more priests, pleading with Matthew 9:38 that the Lord will send more laborers to the harvest.  I may not be a seminarian, but I most certainly have a stake in the lifeblood of the Church – as is true for all members of the laity, men and women, all ages, all abilities, all neurotypes.

It does not matter who wrote this book or who endorsed it – by name, anyway.  This is not anything personal.  My observations are global, pointing to the big picture, and casting no blame on anyone in particular.  I pray that those reading this will follow likewise in seeing the system view rather than seeking out individuals.  We are all members of this same Body of Christ, with the same mission of actualizing the love of Christ in the world we live in.

In short: This book, Autism and Holy Orders, may fairly be characterized as a de facto policy statement of sorts, written in conjunction with and on behalf of Church leadership.  It makes public the working model which the Church holds on what autism is and how it is to be lived.  It bears the seals of approval by representatives of the Catholic hierarchy as well as those of Catholic religious orders, Catholic academia, Catholic seminaries, the Catholic diaconate and the secular field of clinical psychology.  This takes in a very wide swath of predominantly Catholic representation from on high, and one can assume that endorsements at this level trickle down through the ranks to each tier of leadership and staffing, eventually shaping the actions and opinions of staff and volunteers at even the parish level.

It is fair, then, to conclude that the prevailing approaches, attitudes, and beliefs of our Church toward autistic people are at least twenty years behind where the current and reputably acceptable understanding of autism is in the rest of academia, the healthcare and helping professions, and actual lived experience.  And this is a huge problem.

One need conduct very minimal research to see how autism has progressed from grossly misguided and stigmatizing treatment to much more humane, compassionate and accurate approaches informed by neuropsychology and the collective stories of actually autistic individuals.  The collective dialogue about autism has grown substantially and the global understanding is slowly coming around to see that autistic people thrive when allowed to be autistic, rather than following a pathology-driven model of symptom elimination.  Though the challenges of an autistic neurotype remain the same, contemporary approaches draw on personal assets rather than deficits and encourage autonomy through identifying those skills which would be most helpful to each individual.  Emotion regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and coping ahead are skills that any person needs, but can also be tailored individually to fit the configuration of autistic people based on where they are finding the most difficulty. But, lest this paint too rosy a picture, I will add that it is still an uphill climb.  Meltdowns, burnout, shunning and stereotypes still exist all over the place.  The difference is that we as a collective society have more tools and better ways to frame things than we did twenty years ago, so there is better hope for better growth and thriving than in the darker days of autistic history.  People finally know that Rain Man is not the last word on, or the most accurate picture of, autistic life.

Enter, then, this book – published September 1, 2022, as a long-awaited guide for the Church in shaping and forming autistic men for holy orders.  In fact, once I started reading it, I realized the Church has waited TOO long to start looking at these questions.

Again, I emphasize that I read this book as a member of the laity who takes my call to pray for priests and vocations seriously, and as the mother of at least one person who may – who knows? – one day hear that call for himself.  And so it is that I speak up as one who is very concerned, who wants very much to support priests and vocations to religious life, and who recognizes that the pool of prospective members likely reflects the same demographics as we see in the mainstream population.  If we go with the one-in-44 estimate, debatable or not, we can safely assume we have several autistic people among us in every parish, in every diocese.   How many autistic people are called to religious vocations?  Only the Holy Spirit can answer that.  But it is our responsibility as fellow members of the Church to support all vocations, including those stirring in autistic individuals.

Thus, I raise the alarm.

Alarm? Isn’t that a bit melodramatic?  Not really.  Take a look at this review of the book by an autistic priest, and tell me afterwards if I am being dramatic.  Considering he was ordained 35 years ago, it is fair to deduce that he came of age during that time when autism was less understood and widely pathologized.  His words suggest that he has endured a lot of pain as a result.  While we can shrug and say that this was an unfortunate matter of people not knowing about autism like we do now, how can we reconcile that when this book – filled with the same pathologizing characterizations – was just published?

This needs to stop.

I have no answers.  I have no idea how to bring the Church up to speed so that she can work hand in hand with her autistic members in a way that is accurate, compassionate and truly nurturing of who we are.  I just know that if this book is commensurate with a policy statement, we’re in trouble.  I would feel the same way and make the same statements if a book like this came out in any other context – school boards, medical societies, secular academia – and I would issue the same call that I am now.

The Church is in the dark about autism. We, as autistic Catholics, need to be light.  We need to be visible.  We need to be who we are, as brightly as possible – because the Church is not seeing clearly.  The Church is stuck in the same rut that paints autism as a burden, a puzzle, something to be swept under the rug or passed over as quickly and deftly as possible so as not to draw attention to anything that looks or sounds different.  The Church is not comfortable with us as we are.  And this is not just limited to holy orders; ask any autistic person who has tried to participate in ministries, leadership roles, youth groups, sacramental preparation, faith sharing… and found them inaccessible, impenetrable and immutable.  Has nobody yet heard of universal design, or is it too scary to think of introducing something new at the institutional, diocesan, seminary or parish level?

We autistics have spent our lifetimes learning ways to grow and thrive and accept that non-autistic people do things differently.  We have been explicitly taught scads of social skills and social graces, scripts that help us come across in ways that supposedly pass muster so that we are taken seriously.

It’s time to model this for the Church.

It’s time to model compassion, active listening, comprehension, acceptance.  It’s time to model patience with a system that appears to us as lacking empathy, slow to understand and rigid in its ways.   But hey… we’ve been there.  We have both the experience to teach and the capacity to forgive.

If I may, allow me to paraphrase Ross Greene in closing: The Church’s stance on autism is challenging because it lacks the skills to not be challenging.  Skills do not just drop out of the sky; grace, however, makes all things possible.  As autistic Catholics, our mission seems clearer and clearer: We must be the light that is currently lacking. We must pray, be visible, and be the truth that makes up for twenty-plus years of systemic turning away and not seeing the pastoral necessity of understanding neurodiversity.

May God help us all in our mission.

Dr. Hahn: It’s not funny

by Aimee O’Connell


I have recently become aware of a book just published, Autism and Holy Orders, touted as a long-overdue resource for helping autistic men navigate the process of priestly formation, ordination and service in the Church.  I could not wait to start reading… until I hit the foreword by Scott Hahn.

Scott Hahn’s name always brings a smile to my face.  I have an entire shelf devoted to his books.  I have attended his conferences and speaking engagements.  I relish with guilty pleasure every single Dad joke he has made and refer many, many people to his writing, as I feel he has a gift in being able to explain Church doctrine in a way that is memorable, relevant and relatable to anyone.  I don’t know him personally, but it’s no exaggeration to say he is a part of my Catholic fabric.

The foreword made me gasp.

In an instant, this well respected, well recognized, NON AUTISTIC writer / speaker / scholar, to whom so many look for guidance and encouragement, dismissed the condition of being autistic as a fad, a marketing ploy, a source of confusion.  His flippant tone made me want to shrink, mask, camouflage, hide.  If he said this in one of his public talks, any autistic person in the crowd would wish to become instantly invisible.

He goes on to qualify his thoughts along the lines of some of his best and brightest students have had autism, and it pains him to see them suffer needlessly from a lack of understanding.  His departure from Dad jokes to full-on irony hit me like a hard smack in the face, and I’m still not laughing.

The rest of the book, I’m sad to say, followed suit.  You can read my review here.  On the one hand, it’s a consolation to know that a book like this has a very narrow target audience, so Dr. Hahn’s insensitivity won’t necessarily be felt by as many people as it might if he wrote this in a more mainstream book.  On the other hand, how many autistic people know what sort of attitude Dr. Hahn holds toward us, and perpetuates – knowingly or unknowingly – through his example?

Certainly, Dr. Hahn is entitled to believe and feel whatever he does.  It is not my place to police his comments.  However, it is within bounds to remind everyone who is not autistic that autism is no picnic.  We aren’t broken, yet people still look at us that way.  Alexithymia and sensory anxiety still make it very difficult for us to feel we are “enough” in the eyes of God, let alone the eyes of the Church.  Our intellect may know that God loves us as we are, but our bodies send signals of constant doubt which we have to consciously recognize and counteract if we want to maintain any kind of spiritual life.  It is a thousand times worse when our community sends us signals that feed this doubt (… such as when a renowned Catholic speaker belittles autism as a fad).  And, it’s amazing to see that even the people who consider autism a disability still speak about it as though they know everything about it, yet have zero knowledge of what it’s like from the inside, or any seeming desire to truly listen to those of us who talk openly about it it (… especially if they so quickly dismiss that as attention-seeking).

Dr. Hahn: It’s not funny.  I’m not laughing.  I pray that you may grow in compassion, offering Jesus’ prayer on your behalf: “Father, forgive him; he does not know what he is doing.”



From The Anchorite: An Open Letter To My Beloved Church

An Open Letter To My Beloved Church

By Fr. Mark Nolette


To all Catholics, and all people of good will: May grace and peace be yours from the Father, through the Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit!

I am an autistic Catholic priest.

My unusual identity gives a particular twist to how I am called to live out my priesthood. In the ancient world, one of the images used to describe the priest was pontifex, Latin for bridge-buulder. We still use this term when we refer to the Pope as the Supreme Pontiff. The role of the priest was seen as building a bridge between divinity and humanity. Since Jesus Christ, by His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, reconciled us to the Father in the Spirit, He became known as the true High Priest, the ultimate bridge-builder between God and humanity.  All Catholic priests, from that time on, have been given a share in His work of bridge-building. Some exercise this in parish ministry. Others serve as hospital or prison chaplains. Still others dedicate themselves to specific groups of people who are in need of shepherds and bridge-builders.

I had been in parish ministry until the effects of my autism and my growing sense of a calling to devote myself to a more contemplative form of priesthood led me to retire from parish ministry. However, my calling to build bridges remains. The Lord has shown me that an important part of my vocation now is to be a bridge-builder between the Lord, the Church, and autistic people. I seek to do this through this blog.  I seek to do this through the Autism Consecrated website. I seek to do this through a life devoted to prayer as a contemplative hermit in the Lord’s presence. It is in this role as bridge-builder that I address you now.

Autism is considered to be a disabling condition. If you are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and meet certain criteria, you can qualify for Social Security Disability in the United States. As a nation and as a Church, we still struggle to make our churches and public spaces accessible to people with disabilities in general. Many of our churches may have wheelchair ramps. Some may have people who can interpret the words of the Mass in sign language for our deaf members. It’s the rare parish that offers more than this.

What about the needs of autistic Catholics? Most of the books written (so far) on autism and Church have been written by Protestants.  Those written by Catholics are chiefly focused on how to adapt a faith formation curriculum for autistic children.  People forget that those children grow up! A few parishes have set up “sensory-friendly” rooms (anti-cry rooms, so to speak), separate from the main worship area. These rooms feature (ideally) softer lighting, lower audio volume, and a TV screen for watching Mass.  Having spent time in one, I can say that such rooms cut both ways. On the one hand, they are a positive help. On the other, people who use these rooms are easily forgotten by the parish community, even its leaders, because they are unseen. A few dioceses are trying “sensory-friendly Masses”. These are Masses in parish churches, in their usual worship space, which feature lower audio volume, softer lighting, and other tweaks. These Masses are a step in the right direction.

The biggest challenge, however, isn’t about buildings or programs or even sensory input. It’s about attitude. Do you want us? Do you, my dear fellow Catholics, want us autistic Catholics as part of your faith communities? If the attitude is there, the rest will follow.

This is an extremely important question. One recent survey has shown that over 80% of autistic Christians (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) do not attend services in their local churches. This is the highest percentage of non-attendance of any group with a disability that still leaves them capable of going to church. Slipping into my logical brain, I would assume that this statistic alone would make autistic Catholics (and other autistic people) a prime focus of the New Evangelization. I would assume that this would make autistic Catholics an ideal target for the New Apologetics that Bishop Robert Barron and his Word on Fire community speak about. The harvest is indeed rich. Where are the laborers?

When I could see that I could no longer do parish ministry, I proposed to officials in my diocese that I could be a consultant or liaison for ministry to autistic people in my diocese. No one showed interest in this. Diocesan officials say that the local parishes should do something about this. Local parishes say that they lack the resources for this.

That is not all. I regularly hear from autistic people who have tried to connect with their parishes and find that they are ignored, their needs minimized, and their behaviors (over which they may have little control) ridiculed or mocked – even by pastors and lay parish leaders. Many autistic Catholics end up feeling like they have to pastor themselves. Is this right? Is this what Christ had in mind for His Church?

It doesn’t help that autism is seen by many as a “mental illness”. Even in 2022, when people see the term “mental illness”, they are much more likely to think of serial killers and mass shootings than the story of a group of Down’s Syndrome adults who had a foot race in a Paralympics.  The ones who took the lead then slowed down so that all the runners could cross the finish line together and win together.

Let me be blunt. If we autistic people were all wealthy, parishes and dioceses would beat a path to our doors. If we were members of a favored group in our culture, some Church ministers would reach out to us, if only to score points with society as a whole. Far too often, Church leaders take their cues (even without realizing it) from the prevailing cultural standards and not from the Gospel. We matter only if the surrounding culture says that we matter.

The Gospel has a different narrative to propose to us. Christ offers us the parable of the man who had a hundred sheep. One of them runs off. In first-century Palestine, anyone wealthy enough to have a hundred sheep could easily replace the missing one. Yet the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine in search of this one sheep that had no worldly value.

Saint Paul gives us more guidance. The community he founded in Corinth was beginning to think highly of itself from a worldly point of view. They believed that they had “made it” in the world, and looked down on those (even of their own Christian community) who had no worldly status. Saint Paul reminded them, first of all, that most of them had little worldly status when they first embraced the faith. Moreover, they are now members of the Church, the Body of Christ, where all cultural values are inverted. Those who seem to be worthless in the culture’s eyes are all the more valued by Christ and should be all the more honored by all His disciples.  Every Catholic community, from then until now, shows its understanding of the Gospel by how they love those people who are deemed to be lowest in the society around them.

Autistic people, at first glance, may not seem attractive or promising candidates for a Catholic community. We have trouble reaching out and expressing our feelings, even feelings of love. We may seem cold and uncaring to those who do not know us. We can move in odd, repetitive ways, make sounds unexpectedly, or have meltdowns in public. We wear headphones to church to protect us from the audio volume (which may be too loud even for you) and we are accused of disrespect as you assume we’re listening to music.

If there is anything you can learn about us, let it be this. We are like you in many ways.  The things that bother you, bother us. Where we differ from you is not in kind, but in intensity. Imagine an equalizer. In some areas, our settings are like yours. In others, the settings are turned way up – or way down. Some of us are extremely sensitive to sounds, or colors, or certain smells or the feel of certain things. Some of us are very sensitive to inconsistencies and incongruities and cognitive dissonance. If you claim to believe one thing and live another, we see it immediately.  Given our lack of social skills, we might even say so.  This may not ingratiate us to you!

Nevertheless, we have souls and hearts.  We are human beings. Christ died for us as He did for you. Our salvation is as important as yours.  The fact that we are human, like you, should be more than enough for you to reach out to us and work with us to help us become part of our Catholic communities as best we can.

Now I’ll let you in on a little secret. We have a special gift that comes from being autistic. Think of the odd behaviors we may exhibit – the movements, the noises, the meltdowns, the anxieties. Some of these, at least, are in fact given to us for the community as a whole. How so, you ask?

Think of the old story of how miners would bring caged canaries with them into the mines. The canaries were more sensitive to poisonous gases than the miners, so the gases affected the canaries first. When the miners saw this, they knew they had to leave that mine, and quickly.  In the same way, if an autistic person reacts very strongly to the sound volume, or to poor sound quality, this is a problem that will affect everyone eventually. Rather than blame the autistic person, look at the problem this person perceives. If an autistic teenager can’t deal with youth ministry as most parishes do it, maybe the problem is with the way youth ministry is done. I read about a teacher who decided, as an experiment, to change the way she ran her classroom to accommodate her two autistic students.  When she did so, she found that everyone did better, not only the autistic students.

What the world deems foolish is often wisdom before God.

There is much more I can say; much more I can offer in regard to all this.  If you want to pursue this, you’ll find some other posts in my blog and a lot of the material in Autism Consecrated to be most helpful.  Please remember: Christ died for us autistic people, too!

May the Lord generously bless all of you, all that you do and all that you are!

Father Mark

Three Simple and Meaningful Ways for Parishes and Churches to Promote Autism Awareness in April (And Beyond)

(Note – the graphic is designed primarily for Catholic viewers and readers, but the text here has been adjusted to apply more universally to any Christian worship community. Feel free to share in your own circles!)

Three Simple and Meaningful Ways for Parishes and Churches to Promote Autism Awareness in April – And Beyond!

  1. Plan one homily or sermon acknowledging God’s wisdom in creating neurodiversity: noting the role of autistic people in the Body of Christ, dispelling myths many people still have about autism, and setting the tone for the parish as a place that recognizes and cherishes its neurodiverse members – seen and unseen, heard and unheard.


  1. Consider offering a sensory friendly worship service as part of the regular services one weekend… then, consider how that could become a recurring option throughout the year.


  1. Host a brainstorming session for autistic people in the church, asking what would make it easier to participate in church events, sacraments, leadership and ministry. Plan this so that input can be received in writing or pre-recorded as well as in person, to include input from non-speaking persons.


First, Define “Leadership.”

When addressing the question of where autism fits into the Church, it has been said – and rightly so – that inclusion is not just a special project, but rather, should be something that flows from the top down.  For this to be authentic, then autistic people need to be included in the leadership of that community.

While this is easily said, it is not something that is easily attainable.  How so?

When we look at the question of how autistic people can have more representation in decision-making, the first step is to ask what is meant by leadership.  People normally think of the leader as the one on top, the one who is in charge.  That is one kind of leadership, but not the only one.  Let us use The Lord of the Rings as an example.  Aragorn is the one destined to be king.  He gradually moves into that role.  However, Gandalf also exercises a great deal of leadership though he is not a king or ruler in the usual sense.  As a wizard, he is an outsider – not man, elf, dwarf or hobbit; yet all recognize his wisdom and discernment, his prophetic leadership (if you will).

As a rule, autistic people do better in Gandalf’s role than in Aragorn’s.  But that requires a culture that values that kind of insight and prophetic speech and therefore values those who have such gifts.  In a parish, the pastor may ultimately be in charge, but others also exercise other kinds of leadership.  Deacons lead in one particular way.  The parish council is meant to exercise another kind of leadership as an advisory group to the pastor, assisting in forming the parish vision and in discerning how best to implement it.  All of this requires an openness from the pastor and the parish as a whole for collaborative leadership, and a focus on the individual gifts of each participant, rather than defaulting to pre-defined ideas of what “leadership” roles should be.

Autistic people are very well-suited to act as advisors and consultants to those in roles of parish and diocesan decision-making.  This is one way in which we can exercise a kind of leadership that is consistent with our autistic nature, valuing the gifts we bring rather than requiring us to conform to the system already in place (which, many times, excludes people like us).  A first step toward inclusion at the leadership level, then, is to invite autistic input at every level, starting with the roots – that our ideas and needs may permeate whichever entry point our comfort level may be, and be championed upward from there.


April: A Puzzling Month

Get out your symbols: April is here, and that means it’s Autism SOMETHING Month.  One pass over social media affirms that April is [choose one] Autism: Awareness-Acceptance-Celebration-Heavy Marketing-Conference Planning -Token Mentioning-Gross Misunderstanding-Online Arguing-No Two People Say or Feel The Same Way About It …. Month.

We see light bulbs, puzzle pieces, infinity symbols, rainbows, profiles shaded blue, profiles shaded red, profiles sparkling gold, the periodic table symbol Âû augmented with ctrl+shift+^… and a few more I’ve probably forgotten.

We hear autism called: a condition, a disorder, a disease, a way of being, a superpower, a neurotype, a diversity.

We see meme after meme telling us what autism is and what autistic people need… followed by explainers about what NOT to say, what NOT to do, and how NOT to help autistic people.  How many are written by autistics, and how many are written about autistics?

As an autistic person / person with autism / Aspie, and a parent of autistic kids (with whom I have checked and are okay with me saying that in a blog post), and a person with a degree in school psychology, I admit – maybe peculiarly – that I am overwhelmed by the fluctuations in rules and algorithms of reference, to the point where I’d rather be silent than risk saying the wrong thing.  Yet, I get why it’s like this.  I know how this storm originated, and I wait for the year the world declares recess on the shouting matches April brings.  Rightly, autistic people (like me) are tired of being told we need to adapt to the clinical consensus of what “typical” people ought to look like.  This model has dominated psychology for some time, but anyone recalling the history of the study of psychology will see that the discipline itself marches forward in phases which last as long as they fit the prevailing thought of the time.  Psychology as a discipline has some downright embarrassing moments in what we have promoted during different stages in the field.  Eventually, better-informed ideas appear in the literature, and what we held as dogma for many years gets jettisoned for what is, hopefully, better dogma in years to come.

The over-arching problem is that autism has never been well understood.  Even autistics have difficulty making sense of why we do what we do, but the one thing we know is that we are not defective.  But in terms of the clinical disciplines, autism remains a puzzle to non-autistics, warranting fretful study and treatment, and giving rise to terms suggesting we are disordered, diseased, trapped, suffering and in need of intervention.  Parents who hear doctors describe autism as something urgent and critical to treat assimilate this as a “disorder” without taking much time to question that angle.  Pair that with the daily task of trying to help a sensory-overloaded child not yet able to explain what’s happening, and parents are all the more susceptible to adopting battle-mindset to combat their imagined worst-case scenarios.  Good? Bad? Right? Wrong?  We can look back and see where that mindset has been detrimental to both children and parents, but we can’t fully accuse parents of ableism when this is how we have been taught to see autism.  Entire generations of people have been immersed in this way of thinking.  That is not going to disappear overnight, nor can all the rallying images of puzzle pieces be instantly obliterated, even as we realize that, for some, these symbols remind us how we have been treated like “puzzles” who don’t quite fit into the rest of humanity.

I risk being very unpopular for holding the belief that we do better to be clear, gentle and compassionate in our assumptions than to battle back with fury.  I know that runs the risk of enabling those who truly refuse to see autism as anything but an aberration, but I genuinely think more people than not are open to considering the advances we have made in knowing what autism is, and what it is not, over the past few decades.  What if most puzzle-piece wearing people never realized we might feel hurt by seeing that?  Those who double down and insist on keeping it prove themselves loyal to their slogans more than the people in front of them, which ends our hope right there; but some, I’m guessing, will express surprise and regret.  For some, the puzzle piece represents a commitment to understanding our point of view, which we well know can be a genuine “puzzle” to non-autistics.  To those, the puzzle piece was directed inward, not outward.  But, how are we to know which is which?  Maybe what we need is Autism Amnesty Month, to talk about and sort out all of this before the next batch of offending t-shirts starts printing again.

Lest I be said to be inauthentic, I truly do speak from both sides.  I completed graduate school in the late 1990s, when protocols and treatment plans still centered around Lovaas’ ABA technique and goals were still written such that autistic children would one day be indistinguishable from their typical, same-age peers.  I myself was raised to believe my number one job was to suppress, mask and conform, and when I did that well, I received multiple awards and copious praise.  I have now come to see that masking erodes my physical and emotional health, and have had to employ therapy techniques myself for recognizing and refraining from these habits while learning how to be autistic, unplugged and needy, in every aspect of my life.  It is as much work as it was learning to mask in the first place.  Many times, I slip and use the old terms I committed to memory back in my early career.  I notice myself using the wrong terminology especially when I feel too tired or anxious to pause and speak more accurately.  I am not an ableist.  I am an imperfect human being, in need of patience and forgiveness.  As such, I try extend that same amnesty to others in my path: Not everyone is an ableist.  Many are imperfectly trying to understand better, after years of being fed only incorrect information about autism.

We are in the concluding days of Lent, where the public ministry of Jesus is coming to a dramatic end.  His message has been missed by the elders and authorities, who rigidly adhere to what they know and have been taught, refusing to consider that there might be a way of seeing salvation that is completely different from their expectations and conditioning.  Rather than shouting them down, Jesus remains gentle, and silent, and asks God to forgive their rigidity and misconceptions… trusting that God’s justice flows not from violence, but from mercy.

I’m not suggesting autistics remain silent about what we know is true, and I’m not against correcting misconceptions and manners of reference which, knowingly or unknowingly, diminish our dignity and value as human beings.  I am, however, wishing this could be done in less confrontational and hostile ways.  I don’t mean harm against myself or my fellow autistics if I slip and say “disorder,” as it’s still called that in the diagnostic literature.  On a weary day, I might talk about the challenges of being anxious and sensory-overloaded more than the gifts of being perceptive, thinking outside the box and committed to my causes, which could give others the impression that autism is a condition to pity or cure.  Sadly, in acting to correct the seemingly ableist majority, autistics often employ the same techniques we are asking non-autistics to stop using with us… perhaps, ironically, because that was how we were conditioned by those driven to make us seem more normal.  Mea culpa.  But let’s not stop there.

Perhaps April will eventually become Neurodiversity Month, fostering the idea that we’re all part of the same humanity, and we all have a great deal to learn together, neurotypical and autistic alike.  Idealistic?  Yes.  But that’s how my autism speaks.

Autistic Egypt

The Lenten season of 2021 is just ahead, with all the usual encouragements of prayer, fasting and almsgiving – all of which are very good exercises, and necessary for our spiritual growth.  But for many of us (and not just autistics), too formulaic of an approach can separate Lent from its true roots, which stretch all the way back to the Exodus from Egypt.   Furthermore, many autistics find ourselves feeling lost and frustrated as we diligently apply these formulas and still find nothing but spiritual desert.  Perhaps a survey of the desert itself can provide perspective to help map out the right journey in the first place.

The Exodus took place when Moses led his enslaved Israelite brethren from Egypt to a place they could worship God.  The key here is that God desired communion with His people, free from coercion and distraction, to the point where He would escort them out of the land of their oppressors into an area of wilderness.  The gross oversimplification of this story finds many and varied reactions among those making the journey.  Some found it hardest to leave conveniences behind.  Others were challenged to believe this was really and truly the will of God.  Others questioned the trustworthiness of Moses.  And some were steadfast in their belief that such an unfathomable series of events could only be possible if God were leading them.  But the purpose of this journey was the same for everyone: Leave the spiritually empty rituals of slavery behind, no matter how familiar they are, and simply be with God, and let God speak to their hearts.

With that as our focus as seekers today, Lent is about leaving behind what is spiritually empty to simply be with God and let God speak to our hearts.

Easier said than done – especially for those of us who rely heavily on concrete, visual, and activity-based processing!

Let us then look, then, at the experiences of the Israelites in the Exodus story which we may recognize in our own lives today.

  • Repeating spiritually empty routines
  • Working primarily to satisfy others
  • Dismissing, or delaying, our own needs of body, mind and spirit
  • Accepting our status as “less-than”

Again, at the risk of oversimplifying, the Israelites lived in 13th century (BCE) Egypt as slaves, compelled by harsh drivers who judged their worth as laborers without regard to human dignity.  The Israelites had no choice but to wake up, day after day, and please those who had no concern for anything but the quality of their performance.  Their work had no dignity but to serve the Egyptians, whose spirituality was based more in appeasement and demand than anything resembling love.  The rituals to the false gods were devoid of meaning to the Israelites who were pressed into compliance with their overlords.  In order to survive, the Israelites adapted to their status as slaves and labored away in great emptiness.

The conditions of our lives are far from actual slavery, but it’s likely that most of us can name at least one or two ways we relate to the four points above.  So, then, if Lent is meant to echo the Exodus from Egypt, the path to being-with God is likewise an exit from the patterns that drain us of our spiritual connection to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who knows and loves each of us individually, to the point of sending Jesus Christ to redeem each of us, individually).

Now, here’s the rub: Our very being autistic can, at times, set us up to operate under these conditions on a regular basis…

  • Repeating spiritually empty routines
  • Working primarily to satisfy others
  • Dismissing, or delaying, our own needs of body, mind and spirit
  • Accepting our status as “less-than”

This is not necessarily true all the time, but I venture there are moments each of us have experienced one or all of those in our schooling, our families, our professional lives and our spiritual formation as a consequence of being autistic.  For instance: Some of us truly strive to understand the meaning behind the teachings and precepts of the Church, but are not yet at a place where we grasp the truths of some of these practices and devotions as pathways to connecting with God.  It may take years for some of us to experience that meaning personally, and yet we continue to follow the rules because, we are told, “that’s what we do.”  Yes… that repetition may be the path to finally, one day, understanding.  But if it feels empty, it can just as easily lead to resentment and apathy.  If that is the case for anyone reading this, then Lent might be a time to ask questions, and persist in the quest to discover spiritual meaning, as in Matthew 7:7.

Autistics are familiar with support services to help us navigate the neurotypical world and the expectations of those around us.  The benefit is learning what others want us to do.  The downside to that is a pervasive sense of not being enough as we are on our own.  It’s hard being autistic and not carrying even a little bit of this sense wherever we go.  Yet, God does not create people to be “less.”  Do we truly believe this?  Perhaps our goal this Lent is to notice how we see ourselves, and where we might have adopted habits of working only to please others, or believing ourselves to be less-than those around us simply because we process differently.  It may not sound like a spiritual exercise, but the foundation of this is to better understand what is pleasing to God – and how that differs from what is pleasing by worldly standards.  Yes, we ought to strive to please God – but only if we understand what that means!  We might start with the first psalm, and realize “the law of the Lord” can be summarized by Matthew 22:35-40.  And that leads to the last point –

How often do we dismiss or delay our own needs of body, mind or spirit?  Isn’t this the whole idea of giving things up for Lent?  Isn’t that the very definition of “sacrifice”?  Well, yes.  But.  In Matthew 9:13, Jesus exhorts the Pharisees to learn what it means when God says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”  There is a time and a place for sacrifice, absolutely.  But it can be very difficult to give from a deficit, and when we have denied our own needs as a matter of course, our deficit is quite large.  It seems counter-intuitive to suggest a Lenten program of finding comfort, but the simple fact is this: “Love our neighbor as ourselves” means that we cannot truly show mercy to others unless we hold ourselves to that same standard.  If our thoughts toward ourselves were audible to those around us, would they be appalled by the way we demand, criticize, ridicule or dehumanize?  We may not even be aware of how often we do this, as these habits develop over time and are shaped by the implicit messages we receive our whole lives.  Autistics, on the whole, generally receive more critical messages than supportive ones, including those from people trying to help us.  Our sensitivity and anxiety can magnify those messages into harsh internal criticism which then filters through how we look at ourselves, how we treat ourselves and how we dismiss our basic needs.  Perhaps what we need most is to study mercy and learn how to apply it to ourselves before anything else.  (Autism Consecrated offers the Autistic Works of Mercy on our Prayer page if this would be a helpful place to start).

So, now, we’ve seen what this desert wilderness is, and we realize why it feels so foreign: It is a place where critical voices are neither heard nor heeded.  It is a place where we are valued just for showing up.  It may seem too simple.  It may be called “desert,” but for those of us living 365 days of going without and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, it is a leap of faith to believe we belong in a place this drenching to our souls.  Can this really be the Lenten journey we are asked to make – and are we willing to trust that God really and truly wishes this for us, even if it differs from how we have understood “sacrifice” in years past?

May each of us grow closer to God this Lenten season, in ways that surprise and delight us – and God.



Saint Thorlak: A Sermon by a Lutheran Minister from Denmark

Gratefully posted with permission of the author, Pastor René Yde – Denmark.


Dearly Beloved,

When we gather in church, we offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving for the praise and worship of God alone, but tonight we also have a kind of themed service because we celebrate the mass in memory of and in honor of an Icelandic saint, namely Saint Thorlak.

Why should we celebrate an Icelandic saint tonight? Because I have the vision for our community that over time we will celebrate all the Nordic saints, not only those from Denmark, but also from Sweden and Norway and therefore also from Iceland. We must get to know them and reflect on them as examples of lived Christian lives.

Saint Thorlak was born in 1133 in Iceland. He was made a deacon when he was fifteen, and ordained a priest when he was only eighteen. When he was twenty years old, he was sent to France and later to Lincoln in England, where he studied for six years. Here he showed astonishing abilities for theological study. He immersed himself in the Bible and in the writings of the Church Fathers with astonishing perseverance. Here he also got to know monastic life and became an Augustinian monk and since then he adhered to the rule with a stubborn tenacity. He returned to Iceland and lived the next six years as a parish priest. In 1168 he entered the first Augustinian monastery in Iceland and later became its abbot. When he was forty years old, he became bishop of the southern of Iceland’s two dioceses and he died on December 23, 1193, aged 60 years.

(For us Danes, who are not under the supremacy of the Roman pontiff, it is a piquant little detail that Saint Thorlak was not canonized by the bishop of Rome, but by the Icelandic Althing. It shows that a canonization may well be a local matter.)

How was Thorlak like as a person? Thorlak was a bookworm who could already read and write as a small child. He was shy and reluctant towards people. He was silent and withdrawn and could seem strange and dismissive if one tried to talk to him. In addition, he was a very complex personality with opposite and seemingly contradictory character traits.

On the one hand, Thorlak was incredibly rigid and regular of personality. To him, things were either right or wrong. He saw things exclusively in black and white. He was an unwavering Christian idealist and judged the world and men based on the ideals of the Christian religion and the revealed law of God in the Bible and in the teachings of the Church. This led to him becoming very unpopular among the priests and the Icelandic nobles.

On the other hand, Thorlak was of a very mild and gentle disposition. He was humble and loving and had a great deal of compassion for his fellow Christians, to whom he showed a great deal of responsibility because of his holly office. He had a big heart for the poor and the weak and for those who had transgressed against the law of God. It even happened that Thorlak, as the confessor, imposed a really hard and severe penance on the sinner in the confession, after which he, as bishop, freed him from the penance and took it upon himself. This made the laity take him to its heart and greatly appreciated him as a pastor and bishop.

Thorlak was in fact a shining example of the excellent pastoral and Christian principle that says: “Strict in theory and mild in practice.” We Christians must be ruthless in our judgment of thoughts and ideas and judge them strictly on the basis of the revealed truth in the Bible and in the tradition of the Church, but we must be compassionate and gracious and gentle towards people, for that is how our Lord Jesus wants us to be.

How can an individual have such a great degree of opposite character traits as Saint Thorlak? That can actually be well explained, because it is overwhelmingly likely that Saint Thorlak was autistic.

Autism is a particularly congenital condition in which one has difficulty functioning in social contexts and is not very good at discerning social conventions and norms between people. One often has a rigid and strict approach to life and one may have difficulty functioning in the ordinary social interactions.

If Saint Thorlak had autism, which is most likely, then he is a good role model for people who are born with this special challenge and can for them be an example that even an autist can be saved and attain holiness and live in God’s love and grace.

Even if you do not have autism, you can use Saint Thorlak as a role model. He was born into the world with a special and difficult challenge. He was autistic and he had his special problems and challenges to contend with, but he overcame them by the grace of God. He sought the peace in the name of Jesus despite his social disability and turned his shortcomings into a love of the truth and of our Lord Jesus. Thorlak sought and found the forgiveness and grace that flows to us from the Holy Cross of Christ. He humbled himself, fought his sins and hardships, and found the saving and sanctifying love of Christ in the preaching and means of grace of the Church.

There is a word that says, “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” Each of us has his special challenges and struggles. We are all born with special faults in nature that we are called to overcome by the grace of God. Each of us must fight against this or that sin or this or that particular challenge in our personality or this or that external circumstance. We are different also on the spiritual level, but the path is the same for everyone. We must all indulge in the grace from Calvary and be filled with the love of God through faith.

Saint Thorlak had autism, but he overcame this particular challenge of his and became a Christian shepherd for the Icelandic people, lovingly guiding them on their journey with God. You have your special challenges and I have mine. Let us together remember Saint Thorlak as a Christian man with a large and heavy cross to bear, but who bore it in love for the crucified and risen Savior. Let us take Saint Thorlak as a model for our Christian life and know that it is not our external or internal circumstances that determine whether we are saved, but only our will to belong to Christ and his church.

I will end my sermon by reading the antiphon that was sung in the medieval office on Saint Thorlak’s day:

“O shepherd of Iceland, you who are the father of truth, the pillar of permanence, the reflection of purity, you who soothe grief and is hope for the despairing, you led us to the meadows of our heavenly Fatherland.”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

It’s About Time

Subscribers may have noticed it has been quite some time since we last posted any content.  There is no deliberate reason for this: no extenuating circumstances, no vacations, no staged pause before unveiling our next initiatives.  As much as this approach flaunts the rules of content writing, web marketing and brand building, these stretches of time between new posts reflect the fact that Autism Consecrated is a contemplative apostolate.  This post is for those who may be less familiar with the contemplative way of doing things, and a reassurance that Autism Consecrated is still very much present, alive and breathing.

Our world operates on time and action.  It is absolutely necessary to have structure, agendas and expectations – just ask any family who, six months later, is still adjusting to remote school learning and working from home!  Simultaneously, however, God seems to call a portion of us, at any given point in history, to be ones who step back and notice Him in wonderment and reflection.  Some of us are naturally endowed with artistic sense, thinking in poetry rather than prose, seeing abstractly more than directly.  Others are easily caught up in marvel over things that most people accept as fact, and move on.  In terms of neurodiversity, large numbers of these dawdlers and daydreamers eventually wind up being pegged on the autism spectrum.  In  the spiritual life, such folks are the ones we call contemplatives.

Much writing and scholarship has been devoted over the years to defining contemplative spirituality.  There are formulas based on centuries-old texts and teachings, but some assert  that contemplation is nothing more complicated than noticing the presence of God in every situation.  For me, it’s about time.  When I focus on the things bound by time, I’m fulfilling the active elements of my vocation.  When I focus on the eternal, I’m fulfilling the contemplative.

Many times, an idea will come to me, perhaps via the contact form on the website, or in something that I read, or experience during the work week, about which I think to myself: this would be relevant for Autism Consecrated.  Most of these thoughts are rooted in some timeless and universal aspect of the human condition… in other words, in matters that are eternal.  And, when we are dealing with things that are eternal, they exist outside the framework of time.  What is eternal today remains eternal tomorrow, and next week, and next year.  Eternity has no deadline, needs no marketing, and transcends brand building.

Being part of the temporal world, however, I also appreciate the public’s desire for fresh content, especially when it comes to offering resources (such as our Youth Ministry section, still actively under development).  These will indeed get there.  As a contemplative, both in spirituality and in neurotype, I trust that the fruit will only appear when it is ripe, and I thirstily drink in the pondering of God during each moment of that ripening process.  For every day I set to work, I might be surprised by encountering a new aspect of God’s goodness, or a fresh understanding of the redemptive nature of suffering, or be graced with hearing the story of someone previously unknown to me… and taste a bit of eternity in each.  While I do not believe myself superior to, nor hold any grudge toward, those Rudyard Kipling calls The Sons of Martha, I can find fewer things as reassuring, satisfying or edifying as seeking after the gaze of God, and I offer no shame or excuse in spending long stretches of time pursuing this eternal delight.

Yes, I promise, there are outlines in progress of content we intend to post on the Autism Consecrated resource areas. As Fr. Nolette and I have been discussing our ideas, we keep coming back to the fact that there are not many resources out there for contemplatives.  But… what would those resources look like?  Is there such a thing, for example, as a contemplative model of youth ministry, when most YM programs are group- and activity-based?  In terms of pastoral support for autism, how can we emphasize the vital importance of just-being, when most parish staff and inquirers to our website want things TO DO with autistics, not ways to just be with us?

Perhaps time will tell.

Our Stories: Connections to God Through One Another


In the three months since Autism Consecrated put out the call for presentations, we have noticed something interesting.  In the same way most of what we do tends toward the personal, the human and the deeply subjective, so too has our pursuit of assembling a symposium on autism and spirituality.  Our in-person event, “Autism Through the Eyes of God” never made it past the first planning meeting, thanks to the worldwide pandemic.  Our next thought was to shift our focus to the online platform, sending out an open call for presentations which we intended to curate and post in a freely accessible resource library on our website.  The result?

Barely anything.

But in the meantime, we have engaged behind the scenes of the website in multiple conversations about autism, spirituality and disability theology which keep coming back to the same theme: OUR STORIES.

In the broad scheme of looking at autism’s belonging in the Body of Christ, there is no formula to disseminate, no paradigm to discuss, other than that of merely being human.  There is nothing more fundamental to building an inclusive spirituality than to be with each other and enter into one another’s stories.  The act of being-with invites us to draw closer through empathy and mutual vulnerability, and to experience God’s presence – first in one another, then in our midst, and then in the depths of our own heart.

Anything beyond this runs the risk of being formulaic, impersonal and not able to fit the actual needs of the person in front of us… or the needs we ourselves have.

We have known this since the inception of the Mission of Saint Thorlak and its expansion into Autism Consecrated.  We have often repeated our catch-phrase when asked what is needed in our churches to accommodate autistic people: “less programming, more relationship.”  Likewise, when I was offered the task of writing St. Thorlak’s biography, I opted to tell his story as a person rather than give another academic treatment of his achievements or attempt to parse out those aspects of historical record which suggest he had autism.  Historical fact is relevant, but in presenting St. Thorlak as a man to whom we can relate even eight hundred-plus years after his lifetime, it seemed most relevant to simply tell his story.  What good are facts without a personal reason for wanting to know them?  That same question applies to any and every person, autistic or not, who approaches our faith communities.  What good is gathering facts, diagnostic labels, symptoms, needs, accommodations – without a personal reason for wanting to know them?  Chances are, if we get to know the whole person first, some of those other facts quickly become superfluous, even if that flies in the face of what we have been told are “best practices to follow in helping autistic people.”

In truth, we hoped to gather essays and video presentations discussing these points.  It hasn’t happened.  We did, however, receive a number of submissions of personal stories, which is, frankly, exactly perfect.

For the academics among us (including myself, I confess), there are discussions and academic papers in the field of disability theology which are accessible in book format, formal presentations and websites online.  We are striving to continuously maintain and add titles of interest in our Further Reading section, to keep those conversations going.  Furthermore, we actively welcome reaching out to other like-minded groups and individuals for dialogue, discussion and input to our resources.  One such organization, the Kairos Forum, is headed by Cristina Gangemi, whose research ties directly in with the point we are making.

And so, once again, we extend to everyone here a call to contribute.

Wanted: OUR STORIES – How have we encountered God?  What helps, or hinders, us from encountering God in our daily lives, or our faith communities?  How would we describe our spiritual lives?

Format: However we best share ourselves.  Words, visual art, music, or any other channel of expression.

What to do: Send them to Autism Consecrated along with a signed Release Form (required for any submission to be posted).

We will begin posting stories soon where our Resource Library would have been.  We look forward to hearing from you!