by Aimée O’Connell
Next time you go to church, look around and get an idea of how many neurodivergent (i.e., autistic and/or ADHD) people are in attendance. It’s a number you’ll want to know if ever you are asked how your parish might offer sensory supports and accommodations for neurodivergent parishioners.
Right away, the difficulty of such a task becomes evident. Counting ourself, the number is… one? More, maybe, depending on how many of our family members are with us? How can we truly tell, without falling back on stereotypes? Somehow, tabulating any “problem behaviors” we see feels unfair… and yet, this is usually how people begin considering what neurodivergent needs exist in any community. Catechists can usually pick out the students whose sensory and processing needs don’t work well with the way classes and instruction are expected to run, for instance. Parishioners learn to recognize which little ones have the most difficulty sitting still and staying quiet during the liturgy. But that only takes into account the younger members of the parish. Where would we look for the neurodivergent teens and adults? Youth ministry? CYO? Bible study? Social ministry and volunteer committees?
Mmm… not exactly.
In many parishes, neurodivergent teens and adults simply do not participate. Sometimes this is voluntary avoidance on their part… and, sometimes, this is the result of participation being discouraged by the parish.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Sometimes subtly, sometimes directly… sometimes by deliberate omission… sometimes by an accumulation of unkind gestures which finally reach a breaking point. Sometimes by fellow parishioners, and sometimes by parish staff.
It is not an exaggeration to say that a large portion of people who reach out to Autism Consecrated do so in distress and sorrow after being told, in one form or another, that their sensory needs are a nuisance, a distraction, a burden… or a sign of bad character. The prevailing belief seems to be that autism and ADHD are childhood conditions, and those parishes offering support and accommodations only do so for children. Teens and adults are expected to either have no further needs or to meet their own needs for themselves.
How can this be? Is it that parish resources are limited, and what few helps exist must go to the children first?
More often, the reason given is that there aren’t any [or, aren’t enough] teens or adults with special needs to justify further supports. Making accommodations for a small number of adults is considered catering, and nobody wants to give preferential treatment to one or two fussy parishioners. Better they should learn how to cope, like the rest of us.
But, you say, maybe the parish does not yet understand what the needs are, and would do better if they had a better explanation!
You’d think. But it has also been our experience in hearing story after story that these explanations are anything but helpful. Many neurodivergent people have taken great pains to describe their needs and find ways to meet parishes halfway in finding accommodations for them to be able to attend liturgies and social events. The response has been tepid at best and callous at worst. Teens have been cut from youth group rosters rather than efforts made to adapt existing programs. Adults have been asked to leave Bible study for asking too many questions or taking too long to respond in small-group sharing sessions. Priests have given homilies sarcastically asking if people leaving Mass early enjoy their early bird dinners and sporting events, when in fact there are some who have left on the verge of sensory meltdown after enduring overload from the lights, music and pressures of having to suppress their neurodivergent needs. Ear defenders have been yanked from people’s heads for being disrespectful. When people have asked for basic accommodations ahead of planning meetings and volunteer events, their messages are not returned, and the meetings go ahead without them – finding them afterward branded as a no-show.
Other times, it’s a Catch-22. When neurodivergent adults have availed themselves of the supports offered, such as a cry room, they are summarily told these spaces are for children, not to be taken advantage of by bored or restless adults looking for more legroom. Or, parishes have offered a designated sensory support space for neurodivergent parishioners, only to “borrow” the space during Masses for other purposes, acting surprised when someone wants to use the room that was supposed to be for their needs. Some parishes offer adaptive First Communion prep and pictorial guides designated for children. A good start, yes, but when those autistic children have grown into teens, they find that there are no similar supports for participation and sacramental prep as teens and young adults. For that matter, many parishes have adaptive catechetical resources for young children, but nothing adaptive for RCIA. (In fact, if you search online for “adaptive RCIA,” the results all point to how to make RCIA accessible to children, not adults).
These are not hypothetical situations. These have all actually happened… and are actually happening. Many neurodivergent teens and adults have tried their best to participate but find themselves left out anyway. Many now simply stay home because the combined demand of participation and fielding criticism is too much.
Recent estimates suggest one in fifty adults may be neurodivergent. That number is likely too low, as it is extremely difficult for adults to be formally assessed for autism and ADHD, even when they show a majority of the defining characteristics of either or both. Some have proposed that a better estimate assumes one autistic/ADHD adult for every autistic/ADHD child we know. (See more in the articles linked at the end). If that’s the case, it’s safe to say that every parish has at least one person with sensory needs, with the actual number being much higher.
It’s hard to count how many of us there are when parishes keep turning us away. Where is the spirit of John 18:9, “I did not lose a single one of those whom you gave me”?
We must pray all the more that our parishes awaken to the words of Luke 19:10, “The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” May we especially apply this to the lost generation of neurodivergent adults.
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A sampling of articles for further insight: